Worldwide success is largely the result of superior technol-
ogy and trailblazing R&D. Haloila’s extensive international
service network has helped Octopus achieve its posi-
tion as the world’s leading stretch wrapper.
Success is the sum of several factors.
A humble customer-oriented approach
and our highly competent personnel are
also key factors behind the company’s
success,” says Jyri Lehtiö, Sales Director
at Haloila.
The first Octopus machines manufactured for the
export markets were shipped to Austria and Swe-
den. Europe is still a key market for Haloila, but Asia,
Africa and the Americas have also become important ex-
port drivers.
Haloila’s organisation also reflects the international na-
ture of its operations. The employees of the international
organisation represent 12 different nationalities and the par-
ent company ITW operates in 50 countries,” Lehtiö says.
With 90% of a company’s net sales
generated outside its home market,
one can safely say that the company
is a top expert in international business.
Haloila has reached for the stars from
day one with its Octopus range, as it
began its world conquest already in
the 1980s and no end is in sight.
InnOvATIOnS SInCE 1983